Green Party of California

Committees & Working Groups

Coordinating Committee

The Coordinating Committee The Coordinating Committee is responsible for coordinating state party meetings, facilitating internal communications and performing other administrative tasks.

The Coordinating Committee consists of 20-members, 16 of whom are elected representatives from 11 different regions across the state, and four who are elected at-large by the General Assembly. Its purpose includes implementing policies adopted by the General Assembly, conducting party business between the state meetings, and coordinating the other standing committees and working groups of the state party. The members of the CC serve for two-year terms. Two members are elected by the committee to serve as co-coordinators (facilitators) for the group, also serving two year terms.

Standing Committees

A Standing Committee is defined and established according to the bylaws for the purpose of considering, investigating, or taking action on matters considered relevant to the mission of the organization. A Committee is generally established to formulate the policies and execute the tasks needed to maintain and facilitate the internal functions of the organization. Committee members are appointed by the CC.

Current Standing Committees are:

Working Groups

A Working Group is defined and established according to the bylaws to consider, investigate, or take action on certain matters as defined in its charge. A Working Group is generally established to formulate and propose to the General Assembly the GPCA's opinions, positions, and actions on political and social issues that are relevant to the Party's philosophy and political agenda. Working Group membership is open to any Green Party member willing to participate. Voting privileges are reserved for those members who have attended at least two Working Group meetings within the previous 24 months.

The current Working Groups are:

Each Committee and Working Group prepares a yearly work plan and submits it to the Coordinating Committee along with a budget. The work plan identifies the objectives of the group for that year, any proposals it foresees bringing before the General Assembly, and a projected timeline for the group's activities. The stated objectives must be congruent with the group's charge and the goals and strategies of the organization.

Committees and Working Groups are defined and established per the GPCA bylaws. Establishing a new Committee or Working Group or dissolving a current one requires an amendment to the bylaws. The exception to this is limited term ad-hoc committees.

Special Groups, Adhoc Groups, & Subcommittees

These groups may be formed by the Coordinating Committee, Standing Committees, Working Groups, or by the General Assembly as needed to fulfill specific roles and duties for a limited time.


A Caucus is a group established by GPCA members for the purpose of promoting a special interest, unique perspective, or certain consciousness. Caucuses do not have General Assembly agenda privileges. Membership is open to any Green Party member willing to contribute to the purpose of the caucus.

The GPCA Caucuses Page describes the workings and purposes of each caucus in detail.

Other Administrative Groups

Although not strictly addressed by the bylaws, there are several "administrative groups" currently performing functions within GPCA:

Other Related GPCA Websites