Letters to the Editor Local leaders - Draft Noticesby California Greens Celebrate Being a Party of Local Leaders To the Editor, The 2004 season is underway and candidates are lining up for the Green Party's presidential nomination while our party still struggles with the fallout from 2000. No, we are not "spoilers" who cost Gore the election. We know that Ralph Nader was not a "spoiler" responsible for George W. Bush's shady victory. However, the misperception continues to define us to a wide swath of the electorate. Let us recognize that fact and adjust our strategy. With the Greens having 177 individuals in public office in 26 states, those who say there is no place for a third party in American politics overlook the simple fact that the third party is already here and at work. This is how we must define ourselves: as a party of stability, not instability; a party of leaders, not spoilers. What would happen if, at this moment, we announced that we will concentrate on state legislatures, civic offices, perhaps the United States Congress? What if we used the attention we have earned to celebrate the Greens currently holding office around the country and their accomplishments? This would not be taking a step backward; it could, rather, solidify and even expand our civic foundation, build public trust in the Green Party's ability to govern, and position us for growth on the national stage in 2008. Thank you for considering these points. -Most sincerely, Algernon D'Ammassa, Los Angeles ### "Draft Notices" lauded by San Diego teacher Dear Mr. Peterson, I very much enjoyed your article "Military recruiters: Stop marketing war to our children" in the Fall 2003 issue of Green Focus. As a retired teacher I feel it is criminal to seduce these young people into joining the military. A high school principal I know said she would lose her job if she did not permit a military training corps on her campus. She was told if student names were refused, her school would lose federal money. You may be interested in seeing the publication "Draft Notices", an anti-war newsletter published in San Diego. You can see an issue at: www.comdsd.org. -Sincerely, Mr. Dale Malone, San Diego ###
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