GROW Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs)

I'm new to the Green Party of California. What's it all about? Check out the "GPCA Owner's Manual." (Note: You'll need the GPCA website login and password; get this from your County Council, Regional Rep, or e-mail GROW and identify yourself and the county you're located in.)
I want to help build the party - What's GROW all about? You've come to the right place. Start by checking out the "About GROW" webpage.
Our local chapter wants to host a state plenary in our county. What do we need to know? Check out the "GPCA Plenary Planner." (Note: You'll need the GPCA website login and password; get this from your County Council, Regional Rep, or e-mail GROW and identify yourself and the county you're located in.)
I want to organize a petition drive. How do I do this? Head on over to the "Petitions" section of the "Issue-Based Organizing" section of the website.
I want to start a new Green Party chapter in my town. What do I need to know? Head on over to the "Starting a New Local Chapter" section of the "Local Governance" section of the website.
Our chapter leadership is in a shambles. Can you help? GROW is able and willing to provide guidance to any county local that requests direct help. Please contact GROW's County Council Support Person; inform him of your situation and what you would like GROW to do.
We'd like to increase our Green registration numbers in our county, but we're not sure of the best way to do it? The best way to increase Green registration in your area is to have a regular tabling program. You should contact GROW's Tabling / Voter Registration Coordinator and let her know of your interest in training and guidance. The Coordinator also facilitates bi-monthly Voter Registration teleconferences with county tabling contacts across the state; she can explain how you can participate.
None of this answered my question. Now what? Send a message to GROW and explain your question, problem or issue. We want to help your local thrive and be successful!