The GrassRoots Organizing Working group (GROW) is an official Working Group of the Green Party of California. Our mission is to facilitate coordination and communication between local organizers and groups and provide resources for collaboration, skill sharing, and training to promote the strategic growth and diversity of the Green Party of California.
Specifically we have been charged by the Green Party of California with the tasks of facilitating voter registration activities and organizing locals. This includes working to:
GROW meets in person at every Plenary/Gathering of the Green Party of California which is held about 4 times a year. All meetings of GROW are open to the public. In between these meetings a lot of our work is conducted through on-line discussions and phone conferences.
The success of the efforts of GROW is not only important in California, but has national and international ramifications. As the saying goes: "As goes California, so goes the world." We understand the importance of our work and thank you for your interest in our efforts to GROW the Green Party of California.