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 GPCA Standing General Assembly Voting


Proposal Details

Proposal ID15.
ProposalBylaws amendment: Article 5 County Organization
PresenterCoordinating Committee
Floor ManagerMike Feinstein
Discussion12/11/2012 - 01/09/2013
Voting01/10/2013 - 01/18/2013
Presens Quorum13 0.5001
Consens Quorum39 0.6666 of Yes and No Votes


This proposed new Article does three things.

First, it combines the existing '3-2 County Organizations' and '5-4.2 Criteria for active county status' from two different articles in the existing bylaws into a single article for purposes of clarity and better organization.

There are two policy changes, to make it easier for a county to be considered active. The existing criteria in the existing bylaws is "The county has sent delegates to at least two of the last three meetings". The proposed new text changes it to two of the last four meetings, making it easier to comply. It also adds an additional way to be considered active, if a county has chosen at least one delegate to the Standing General Assembly in that GPCA Fiscal Year

Then there is an attempt to clarify an ambiguity in the existing 3-2, in order to eliminate debate whether counties that have been recognized for years and have not changed their bylaws, could suddenly have those bylaws be considered no longer compliant, when previously they were judged compliant. To remedy this, the proposed text states "Once a County Organization becomes recognized via this process, it shall retain that status unless it amends its bylaws to become non-compliant. Any decision by the Coordinating Committee regarding certification may be appealed to the General Assembly."


That the following text be adopted

Article 5 County Organizations

Section 5-1 Recognition

5-1.1 A County Organization is considered recognized by the General Assembly if it adopts and files organizational bylaws with the Coordinating Committee and Bylaws Committee that are consistent with GPCA bylaws and California law, that:

5-1.1(a) Describe the county's organizational structure, including membership and decision-making;

5-1.1(b) Describe the process for filling County Council vacancies;

5-1.1(c) Describe the process for selecting General Assembly delegates;

5-1.1(d) Establish the position of county treasurer and describe the process for selecting it.

5-1.2 The Coordinating Committee shall certify, based on this Article, whether a County Organization has initially satisfied 5-1.1 Once a County Organization becomes recognized via this process, it shall retain that status unless it amends its bylaws to become non-compliant. Any decision by the Coordinating Committee regarding certification may be appealed to the General Assembly.

Section 5-2 Active Status

5-2.1 A recognized County Organization shall be considered active for the purposes of seating General Assembly delegates and participating in County Polling, if it fulfills at least one of the following conditions:

5-2.1(a) The county has a County Council;

5-2.1(b) The County Organization has sent delegates to at least two of the last four General Assemblies and/or has chosen at least one delegate to the Standing General Assembly in that GPCA Fiscal Year

5-2.1(c) The County Organization has held a General Membership Meeting within the last six months at which at least eight registered Greens from within the county were present, delegates to the General Assembly were chosen and the County Organization has forwarded minutes of the meeting to the Coordinating Committee.

5-2.2 No sooner than twelve weeks and no later than six weeks before the opening of each in-person General Assembly, the Liaison to the Secretary of State, or another individual designated by the Coordinating Committee, shall obtain the most recent Report of Registration from the Secretary of State, and the Coordinating Committee shall determine, based on this Article, which county organizations are currently active. If after this determination has been made, but before the opening of the General Assembly, additional counties are found by the Coordinating Committee to be active, the newly active counties shall be allocated the number of seats they would otherwise be entitled to under 7-1.2.




Existing text from GPCA Bylaws

3-2.2 County Organization and Recognition

To be recognized by the General Assembly and to seat General Assembly delegates, a county organization must adopt organizational bylaws consistent with the ten key values, the GPCA bylaws, and California law, and must file a current copy of these bylaws with the GPCA Bylaws Committee (see also Paragraph 4-1.22 for recognition of a new county organization). These bylaws must:

a) Describe the organizational structure including the relationship between any local Green organizations and the County Council;

b) Define the membership of the organization;

c) Describe the decision-making process;

d) Describe the process for filling county council vacancies;

e) Describe the process for selecting General Assembly delegates;

f) Establish the office of treasurer.

5‑4.2 Criteria for active county status

For the purposes of this section, an active county shall be defined as fulfilling at least one of the following conditions:

a) The county has a County Council;

b) The county has sent delegates to at least two of the last three meetings;

c) The county has held a General Meeting within the last six months in which at least eight registered Greens were present, and delegates to the General Assembly were chosen. The county must notify the State Coordinating Committee that the General Meeting has taken place.

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