Green Party of California

GPCA People of Color Caucus

Statement of Purpose

June 6, 2004


Founding of the Green Party California People Of Color Caucus (GPCAPOCC) took place during the June 2004 GPCA Sacramento Plenary, June 5, 2004. Four persons of color sat down to share concerns and create goals for the caucus to work on. The next day the document they created was circulated to others of color and GPCA European-American Supporters and Friends. Additional goals, ideas and corrections were added. 18 California Greens wrote their signatures on the original document.

Acting Co Facilitators

Local Representatives

National and State Representative

GPCA European-American Supporters and Friends of the GPCAPOCC


The mission of the Green Party California People of Color Caucus is to maximize the participation of people of non-European descent in the political, economic, social processes of the GPCA.


  1. Create an awareness of the role the 10- Key Values have and or can play in the daily lives of People of Color in the state of California.
  2. Ensure a welcoming and supportive environment in the GPCA, i.e. meeting, plenary, and gathering where children would enjoy and develop civic activities.
  3. Increase the civic participation of People of Color in the state of California.
  4. Empower and provide a safe environment for historically disenfranchised (i.e., Immigrants and People of Color) in the Green Party of California.
  5. Target and promote a comprehensive outreach to People of Color in the state of California, including voter registration and candidate recruitment on to the GPCA Coordinating Committee and GROW.
  6. Work for proportional representation for People of Color in the GPCA in all offices and duties.
  7. Coordinate with GROW a method of cross-cultural tabling and recruitment training for the GPCA.
  8. Create a statewide 4-year plan to address affirmative action and challenge white supremacy and racism in order to affect a change in consciousness of the GPCA membership for deep understanding amongst us.
  9. Translate all GPCA media materials into Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Tagalog; and to ensure all GPCA materials are culturally sensitive.
  10. Lobby the GPCA Coordinating Committee for the creation of a reserved space / seat on the GPCA Coordinating Committee for the People of Color Caucus.

Timeline (7 months)

June 2004

  • Set up goals, missions, objectives
  • Set administration (telephone tree, *web stuff, 1 800 #, **green min list serve)
  • Recruit members from across the state


  • Meet in San Francisco July 24,2004


  • Vote for Caucus officers

Needs from GROW

  • Space at every GPCA state affair
  • Start up funds for set up (Administrative, Travel Funds, Staff Position, Web Page, List Serve)

* Newell Taylor, Forrest Hill
** Our goal is to have a minimal of 100 members before we start a separate list serve