In view of the devastating effect the Top Two system is having on California's smaller parties, the following statement was sent to all 120 members of the California state legislature
Based upon a proposal by the Green Party of California, the Green Party of the United States will conduct its first ever presidential campaign debriefing at its 2013 Annual National Meeting, July 25-28 in Iowa City, Iowa.
Green Presidential Debate, Herbst Theatre, San Francisco, January 13th, 2008. Featuring 2008 Green Presidential candidates Jared Ball, Kent Mesplay, Cynthia McKinney, Kat Swift and Jesse Johnson.
• Welcoming Remarks - Ross Mirkarimi (San Francisco Board of Supervisors), Amiee Allison (Master of Ceremonies), Gayle McLaughlin (Mayor, Richmond, CA) (7:33)
• Opening Statements - all candidates (24:46)
The Green Party of California endorsed SB 52, the California DISCLOSE Act, on March 4, 2013.
The DISCLOSE Act would require that the top funders to political campaign ads disclose who they really are rather than hiding behind innocuous names like "Americans for Fair Play."
For more information:
Gov. Brown missed an "historic opportunity" to fix California when he announced his budget Monday, and continues the trend of balancing the state's finances on the backs of working families through increased "regressive" taxes for vehicles and sales while allowing the wealthiest off the hook, said the Green Party of California.
Gov. Brown's inaugural speech Monday was far off the mark, asking the poorest in state to shoulder more austerity even while the wealthiest in the state get wealthier, charged 2010 Green Party of California gubernatorial candidate Laura Wells.