Green Party of California

The Water Project


The subject "Water" is vast. Given that fact, and to keep our eyes on the prize, the basic goals for the Green Issues Water Project are:

  • To develop, and maintain, a coherent process by which we can introduce people, those in Green Party and those who are not, to the idea that Greens have solutions to the water problems of California, now and in the future.

Water Project Activators & Personnel

To provide an entry point for those interested in getting involved, the primary activators for this project are:

Links, Blogs, Readings, and Further Information

Wes blogs regularly on water (and other) issues at California Greening (note the column of links to "Water sites" on the right-hand side of the blog page)

Other sites

Getting Elected to Water Boards

This is a separate project, please see The Water Boards Project