Green Party of California

The Simplicity Project


"Simple living" is not "easy living" but it is in the end more satisfying. It has been said that the unexamined life is a life not worth living. We are, after all, rational beings, seeking a satisfied life of personal fulfillment.

As Greens motivated by the 4 pillars of the GP, we know that peace(#1) is achieved through social justice(#2) which promotes grassroots democracy(#3) resulting in ecological wisdom(#4) - getting more with less.

To that effect the goal is to promulgate information on:

  1. The ways to simplify
  2. The true cost of living
  3. The reasons behind living simply
  4. The support groups across the country

Project Activators

Links & Materials

The Story of Stuff is a project on sustainable living directed by Annie Leonard and hosted by Allegheny College

And here is a petition site where one may pledge to use only fair-trade and socially responsible products.