Green Party of California

The California Renewable Energy Sources Project


  1. Seek Green Party of California endorsement for the concept of Renewable Energy Payments ("REP")
  2. Pass the California Renewable Energy Sources Act
  3. Establish and maintain an active relationship between GPCA and the Alliance for Renewable Energy ("ARE")

Project Activators

Background & Information

Paul Gipe is an expert on wind, solar and thermal alternative energy sources. He has written extensively about renewable energy for both the popular and trade press. His most recent book is, Wind Energy Basics: A Guide to Home- and Community-scale Wind Energy Systems.

In 2004, Mr Gipe launched a campaign to bring electricity feed laws back to North America. The campaign has grown into a continent-wide grassroots movement that has put renewable energy feed-in tariffs on the political agenda in Canada and the US.

The Alliance for Renewable Energy ("ARE") was formed in Dec 2008 (Mr Gipe as co-chair) as a vehicle for continuing the work begun in 2004.

One of ARE's goals in California was the passage of "California Renewable Energy Sources Act of 2009" ("The Act", written by Mr Gipe). As stated above, one goal of this project is to join into the effort to achieve passage of this legislation.

We intend to enlist sponsors to support The Act and to help with the lobbying and legwork to get it passed.

Links & Materials
Wind Energy Basics: A Guide to Home- and Community-scale Wind Energy Systems
Articles on energy feed laws Alliance for Renewable Energy

Background & Information: