Green Party of California

Greening the Dollar


To make the Banking and Insurance Reform Plank of the Green Party of the United States Platform a reality. Although there can be majority support for this reform, few Americans have seriously considered the underlying principle of our economic system, let alone heard of this reform proposal. That fundamental principle is the control over the money creation power is the key to mastery over a nation's wealth and people. This group seeks to activate the dormant support of this reform through active communication with the people of California.

The three components of the reform are:

  1. Nationalize the Federal Reserve and appoint a publicly accountable Monetary Authority to safeguard the nation's stock of money.
  2. Institute a 100% reserve requirement on banks to end the practice of creating money as debt.
  3. New money will enter circulation for the public benefit as spending on infrastructure.

In short, this reform will empower us to solve the numerous problems with our current economic system, including state budget constraints and the national debt.

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