The file format and size are noted in [ ] brackets.
Please help by sending a letter to the editor! This announcement provides you with all the tools you need to compose a lettter and find a local paper in just a few minutes. [TXT 5 KB]
A very good site from the folks at the Free and Equal Foundation
Tri-fold, colored flyer for general distribution. [PDF 1.3 MB]
Native file in Adobe Illustator format [AI 2 MB]
Update: The flyer content was updated on Mar. 26 to be more generic and less centered on the GPCA.
Printing tips: Printing a tri-fold takes some experimenting to get it to line up properly. If printing from Adobe Reader, set Page Scaling to 'none.' Do not shrink or scale. Do 'Auto-Rotate and Center.' Use your printer's 'Bordeless' or 'Print to Edge' printing feature, if it has it. All printers vary so you will have to expirement.
Four-per-page handount; double-sided; black & white. [PDF 263 KB]
Generic text to build your localized flyer. In MS Word format. [DOC, 26 KB]
GP graphics are at Scroll down to the "Icons and Logos" heading.
UPDATED A Green Party op-ed opposing Prop 14 and promoting IRV. Can be trimmed down for a letter to the editor. In MS Word format. [DOC, 26 KB]
Letters to the Editor
226 word letter. In MS Word format. [DOC, 23 KB]
144 word letter. In text format. [TXT, 0.9 KB]
- "No on 14" bookmarks. One-page. Print a stack, turn the paper over and print again, then cut. Paper cutter recommended. In MS Word format. [DOC, 45 KB]
One-page handout written by GPCA Press Secretary. Media oriented. [PDF 163 kB]
Original announcement sent to Green Party Locals. Background info, organizing and talking points. [web page]
Fresno Literature
Fresno County contributed a flyer and button art advocating No on 14 and Yes on 15. You need Microsoft Publisher to open the files, which can then be customized for your Local.
MS Publisher is standard equipment the Microsoft Office suite. Probably usable in Open Office suite.
Two-sided, quarter-sheet flyer. [PUB 32 kB]
For 2.25" button stock. [PUB 26 kB]
Reproduction of Green Party candidate for Secretary of State's editorial in East County Magazine [web page]