Green Party of California

Procedure For Serving On A GPUS Committee

Background and Purpose:
Under GPCA bylaws, the GPUS delegation determines who represents the GPCA on GPUS committees. Recent events, including the rapid growth of the delegation, dictate that codification of a formal procedure is needed. One issue remained that could not be resolved to everyone's satisfaction - whether a delegate seeking an uncontested seat would need delegation approval. This procedure reflects the majority view that approval is needed.

This procedure is pursuant to GPCA Bylaws, referenced below. Procedure approved 8/3/2007.
  1. Any person seeking to represent the GPCA on a GPUS committee shall contact a co-chair of the delegation no later than two days before the next scheduled delegate tele conference or meeting. The co-chair shall then add determination of that person's representation to the teleconference or meeting agenda.
  2. The delegation shall make its determination as follows:
    1. If there is only one person seeking to fill a vacant seat and there are no outstanding concerns, the person shall be approved. If there are outstanding concerns, the delegation shall use the voting method described in Bylaw 7-1.10, with the exceptions that the vote shall not be secret and shall be oral.
    2. If there are more people seeking to fill vacant seats than there are vacancies, the delegation shall use the voting method described in either Bylaw 7-1.8 or 7-1.9, whichever is applicable, with the exceptions that the vote shall not be secret and shall be oral.
    3. If there is no quorum present during the teleconference or meeting, immediately following the teleconference or meeting the co-chair shall initiate an on-line vote consistent with these provisions.
  3. Upon approval of a representative, the delegation co-chair shall notify the co-chair of the GPUS committee ofsaid approval.
GPCA Bylaws 11-6.3 Policies and procedures: The delegation shall create whatever policies and procedures are necessary to fulfill its responsibilities. Section 11-7. GPUS Committees The GPCA delegation to the GPUS CC shall determine who are the representatives of the GPCA on GPUS committees. Any member of the GPCA in good standing is eligible to be on a GPUS committee, unless GPUS rules state otherwise.