GPCA Coordinating Committee Candidate Bio (One-Year Term) Dave Heller, Alameda I would like to join the California Green Party State Coordinating Committee for a one year term. I joined the Green Party when I moved to California in 1992 and have been a member ever since. I became active within the Party in 2000 during the Ralph Nader run for President and Media Benjamin's run for the US Senate. I worked on both those campaigns from the San Francisco Greens office. I ran for Congress in California's 9th Congressional District (most of Alameda County, East Bay, against Barbara Lee) in 2008 as a write-in and 2010 on the ballot as a Green. I've personally registered hundreds of Greens since 2000. I was the Campaign Coordinator for Measure I in Berkeley in 2004, which finally brought Instant Runoff Voting to this city last year for the first time. I also worked on the SF campaign and the Alaska campaign for IRV. I have been deeply involved with the struggle for democracy at KPFA-FM community radio station in Berkeley. It is the mother station of the Pacifica Network and has been under siege from a group of Democrats who seem to have a nefarious plan to bankrupt the station in order to turn it into a commercial station and cash in on its worth on the commercial section of the radio bandwidth. This is a very important struggle not just for the Greens, but small "d" democracy as the station is supposed to be a venue for voices that normally do not make it to the public's ears. 3rd party politics has only gotten token spots under their management, which has recently been removed, though many of the staff remain. I have also been active in the 9/11 Truth Movement. The truth of the events of September 11th, 2001 do not match the official story. The physics of what happened does not match the governments explanation. Physics does not lie. The benefits of a real investigation into 9/11 will have seismic political consequences on the side of democracy, transparency and accountability and hopefully global awareness. I believe the Democrats are failing so badly to meet the needs of their constituents that we have a huge opportunity to make headway in building the Green Party. And while the new open primary was probably designed by the duopoly parties to destroy all third parties, it does give us a back door advantage that people do not need to register as a Democrat to vote for the "lesser of two evils" candidate. So now hopefully, when we register someone Green, they will stay Green.