California Delegate to the Green Party of the United States
Last Updated May 15, 2004 by S. Bechman
The duties of California Delegates to the Green Party of the United States include:
Representing the interests of the Green Party of California and all registered California Greens in national party matters.
Recruiting of California Greens to serve on GPUS national committees.
Oversight of California Greens serving on GPUS national committees, including the handling and consideration of any complaints received in regards to the action or inaction of any such GPUS committeemember and making recommendations of any action to the GPCA-CC to take against any such GPUS committeemember from California who is determined to have failed to represent the interests of the Green Party of California and all registered California Greens.
All other activities to do with maintaining a pro-active role as a voting member of the GPUS Coordinating Committee, not limited to and including Article 11 of the GPCA bylaws. (Note: GPCA Bylaws related to the GPUS California Delegation will be adopted by the GPCA General Assembly at the June, 2004 Sacramento plenary. --sb)
Specific duties:
Subscribe to the GPUS-CC Voting e-listgroup. Be attentive to, and participate in as appropriate, the issues and proposals posted to the listserve. Those delegates lacking personal online capabilities will require additional communication effort (shared computer, library computer, telephone).
Subscribe to the GPUS CA Delegation e-listgroup. Be attentive to, and participate in as appropriate, the issues and proposals posted to the listserve. Those delegates lacking personal online capabilities will require additional communication effort (shared computer, library computer, telephone).
Attend all GPUS CA Delegation meetings, teleconferences, and GPCA General Assemblies.
Join and participate in at least one national committee, either as a voting member or as an observer.
Solicit advice, opinions, and guidance from the GPCA and registered California Greens in regards to national party matters; and relay those opinions as appropriate to the GPUS CC and/or GPUS officers.
Create and offer proposals to the GPUS CA Delegation that further the interests of the Green Party of California and all registered California Greens.
Facilitate the flow of information between the GPCA and GPUS CC, keeping both parties informed of matters of mutual relevance.
Help maintain GPCA databases regarding current GPUS Delegates and Committeemembers, including all contact information, when appointed/elected, when their term ends.
Inform the GPUS CA Delegation co-coordinators when communication is interrupted, e.g. computer failure, vacation, resignation, so that any adjustments necessary can be made.
Maintain a working knowledge of the GPUS bylaws and platform, and perform Coordinating Committee duties accordingly.
Encourage personal responsibility by actively recruiting and training GP members who indicate interest in future GPUS Delegation or national committee positions.