>>>>>>>> CHANGED SECTION <<<<<<<<<<<<< ---- Existing Text --------- 7 1.4 CC Elections and Term of Office At the first General Assembly meeting of each year, elections shall be conducted for CC seats whose terms are scheduled to expire within the calendar year including two at-large seats and any expiring regional seats not filled by an alternative regional process (see selection of regional members, paragraph 7-1.5). CC representatives shall serve for a nominal term of two years or until their successors are elected. In any event, at-large representatives shall vacate their seats at the end of the term unless reelected, and regional representatives shall retain their seats beyond the end of the term unless replaced or recalled. -------- Added Text ------- Notwithstanding section 6-3, a region may replace its representative(s), including alternate representive(s), during the course of the term of office by conducting an election in accordance with its approved procedure. The new representative(s) shall serve the remainder of the existing term of office. The region shall notify the Coordinating Committee of any replacement conducted under this section. >>>>>>>>> ORIGINAL PROPOSAL APR 08 <<<<<<<<<< Passed by consensus with two amendments: 1. Applies to alt reps also 2. CC will be notified when a region replaces its rep. ---------------------------------- SPONSOR: Bylaws Committee PRESENTER/CONTACT Jim Stauffer, Santa Clara, jims@greens.org, 408-432-9148 Pat Gray, San Mateo, patgray.green@sbcglobal.net SUBJECT: Modify section 7-1.4 to clarify that the GPCA may not prohibit regions from replacing their Coordinating Committee (CC) representative(s) during the course of a term of office. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In the course of recent debates over CC rep elections a disagreement has arisen in regards to the intent of the clause in section 7-1.4 that says, “CC representatives shall serve for a nominal term of two years or until their successors are elected.” Some have interpreted this to mean that any person filling the office of CC rep cannot be removed from that office by his/her electing constituency during the course of the term. The one exception allowed is, “Section 6-3. Removal for Cause,” which stipulates a narrow criteria under which a CC rep may be required to resign. Others among us believe that 7-1.4 has no such discernable intent; that there is no practical reason why a prohibition on rep replacement should exist; and that regions should have authority to choose their member(s) on the CC. PROPOSAL: The proposed modification to Section 7-1.4 is based on these assumptions: · As defined in our bylaws, the GPCA is comprised of two entities: the state organization and the county organizations. CC reps and General Assembly delegates are the human organizational interfaces between the two entities. Therefore, issues involving reps and delegates are not the exclusive domain of either entity, but must be resolved considering the needs of both the state and county organizations. · Since the office of CC rep is an interface between a region’s counties and the state party, our principle of decentralization would tend to give the counties, rather than the state, preference over issues of filling the CC rep office. · The natural, unplanned personnel turn-over rate on the CC is substantial, so an occasional intended replacement of a rep would not significantly increase that turn-over rate. · There are no corroborating clauses in the bylaws that support an interpretation of 7-1.4 that says CC reps can not be replaced by their electing constituencies. The bylaws are, in fact, silent on the issue. Therefore, a clear statement on a region’s right to replace their rep at their discretion needs to be added to the bylaws. Section 7-1.4 shall be modified by adding a second paragraph as follows: Notwithstanding section 6-3, a region may replace its representative(s) during the course of the term of office by conducting an election in accordance with its approved procedure. The new representative(s) shall serve the remainder of the existing term of office. COMMITTEE DECISION: TIME LINE: Immediate implementation RESOURCES: None