Proposal: "Removal for Cause" bylaws amendment Submitted by the Coordinating Committee Contact: Beth Moore Haines, 1. Resignation Unless given special dispensation by the Coordinating Committee (CC) or the General Assembly, any CC member (or any officer appointed by the CC) who cannot fulfill their duties to the best of their abilities as described in these bylaws or operate in accordance with the 10 key values, shall resign by notifying the CC in writing. Resignation is implied whenever any of the following occur: a) the member moves out of the region they represent, or the state, if at-large; b) the member registers with any other political party; c) the member fails to maintain an updated, accurate voter registration; d) the member misses three consecutive General Assembly meetings or CC regular meetings without appointing a qualified alternate. 2. Recall Authority The decision to remove a CC member (or any officer appointed by the CC) must be made by the constituent body empowered to elect the member or appoint the officer. a) The constituent body for appointees of the CC is the CC; b) The constituent body for at-large CC members is the General Assembly; c) The constituent body for regional CC members is the regional caucus of General Assembly delegates or an alternate body if designated according to Paragraph 7-1.4. 3. Recall Procedure A CC member or any appointee may be removed from office if the member or appointee fails to resign as described in paragraph 1. The following recall procedure must be followed: a) A written statement from three active CC members (or three General Assembly delegates from the region represented by a regional CC member) must be presented to the CC and the individual in question specifying the cause for recall at least two weeks prior to a regular meeting of the constituent body. b) The CC may appoint a special committee to attempt mediation or non-binding arbitration. In any event, if a resolution agreeable to both parties is not reached by the day of the meeting of the constituent body, the CC shall facilitate a formal recall vote. c) If a formal recall vote is required, both parties shall be given equal time to make their case at a regular meeting of the constituent body where a quorum is present (regional caucus quorum is more than 1/2 of the total number of delegates allocated for the region). The recall proposal is a business decision requiring consensus or a 2/3 fallback vote to remove the member. 4. Quorum A quorum of GPCA CC shall consist of 2/3 of the currently seated members. Proxy votes are not allowed. 5. Meetings Regular meetings of the CC shall be held at least once a month, in person or by teleconference. Date and location of the next regular meeting shall be determined at the close of each meeting or, failing this, shall be determined by the CC coordinators and announced with at least 20 days notice. A special (or emergency) meeting may be called with at least one week notice by the CC coordinators or a majority of the CC. All decisions made at a special meeting shall be treated as policy decisions for voting purposes.